

Friday, August 22, 2014

The Prince - C-

Rated R, 91 minutes

Crime drama "The Prince" an unexciting "Taken" ripoff

The derivative, third-rate new crime drama "The Prince" is peppered with a handful of compelling moments thanks to a decent cast, but it's really just a low-budget "Taken"-style ripoff. A retired New Orleans crime boss and widowed father (Jason Patric) is forced to team up with his best friend (John Cusack) to return to the crime world when his daughter is kidnapped by an old rival (Bruce Willis). Directed by Brian A. Miller, whose credits include mostly straight-to-video, lower budgeted movies such as "The Outsider" and "Officer Down," "The Prince" is a little better than those previous efforts, only because of its cast, though Willis (in what could be a serious version of his "Whole Nine Yards" role) and Cusack in particular have minimal screen time considering their billing. Patric has become typecast in these roles since the 90s in one of his better films, "Rush" and it's difficult to see a talented actor slumming in dreck like this (even worse, is Curtis "50 Cent" Jackson, in a blink-your-gone cameo mid-film). The plot lacks the energy and excitement of the film it's most like - "Taken" - except without the gravitas of Liam Neeson, and a bigger budget. I wanted to see more of Cusack, whom I really like, but instead we're treated to Patric in lots of chases, gun fights and doing the usual rough-and-tumble  thing, hardly revelatory or new. One good thing about the film, it does have South Korean actor Rain in a small role as Willis' high-kicking assistant, who was in a cool, fun film called "Ninja Assassin" a few years ago. Come to think of it, I'll just watch that again, and I know it'll be much more exciting than "The Prince." Don't bother with this movie.

Wes's Grade: C-

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