

Friday, March 13, 2015

What We Do In The Shadows - B

Unrated, 86 minutes
The cast of "What We Do In The Shadows"
Wes's Grade: B

Silly New Zealand comedy "What We Do In The Shadows" is a thin, silly mockumentary

The new comedy "What We Do In The Shadows" is a mockumentary that makes fun of other mockumentaries. From the makers of the HBO series "Flight of the Conchords," think of it as a Christopher Guest mockumentary crossed with a "Saturday Night Live"-style send-up of "Interview With the Vampire" or "The Blair Witch Project." The low-budget New Zealand comedy film has documentary team following a very unhip group of unusual friends (including Taika Waititi and "Conchords" Jermaine Clements and Rhys Darby). Ranging in age from 183 to 8,000, and in appearance from adorably youthful to Nosferatu-crusty, they squabble over household chores, struggle to keep up with the latest trends in technology and fashion, antagonize the local werewolves, cruise clubs for lovely ladies, and deal with the rigors of living on a very, very strict diet. Co-directed and co-written by Waititi and Clements, "What We Do In The Shadows" is an offbeat, very weird and often hilarious mockumentary send-up that should appeal mostly to all those "Conchords" fans who enjoy this silly type of humor. Honestly, there isn't much to it, but it's still fun, and you're sure to laugh at these very uncool, undead vampires who argue over women, food and fashion, and of course more hijinks and bad things are bound to happen when they let humans into their group (the vampires attempting to use a computer or phone is particularly funny or calling spaghetti "basketti"). "What We Do In The Shadows" may be a film you want to see again to catch some of the dialogue ("I am the guy from Twilight" one of them tells a woman in a bar) or other fun moments, some of which tends to happen quickly. It may not be for everyone but those that see it will enjoy it.

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