

Thursday, March 26, 2015

It Follows - B

Rated R, 94 minutes
Wes's Grade: B

"It Follows" a chilling, creepy ride about a erotically supernatural curse

If you thought getting an STD after having sex was scary, it's nothing compared to having a supernatural force hunting you down, at least according to the creepy, often terrifying and original horror low-budget horror film "It Follows." After a strange sexual encounter, a teenager named Jay ("The Guest's" Maika Monroe) finds herself cursed by nightmarish visions and the inescapable sense that something supernatural is after her. Directed and written by David Robert Mitchell in an auspicious feature debut, "It Follows" is a chilling, vivid experience that will stay with you long after the film is over. It starts with one of the creepiest opening sequences of recent memory, of a young girl in shorts and heels running for her life, whose fate doesn't end so well. "It Follows" is a truly scary, taut  cat-and-mouse game, made memorable by the "it" in the film's title, and remarkably well-made and acted considering its low-budget and has been scaring people since its debut at the Cannes Film Festival last year. Monroe, along with geeky British actor Keir Gilchrist, who plays nerdy friend/lover Paul, are memorable as the two who share and fight the supernatural force. What makes "It Follows" so unpredictable and so unlike other typical horror films of the genre, is the unique way that Mitchell has the supernatural being morph into humans: in other words, you never know what it may do or who it may be. Add a pulsating film score from electronica musician Disasterpeace (Rich Vreeland) and brooding photography filmed on location in Detroit, Michigan that reminds you of 1970s John Carpenter, and "It Follows" provides a rich level of suspense that'll have you holding onto your seat. The erotically-fueled "It Follows" has a few slow moments in the first act, and the climax seems slightly out of place, but otherwise it's a pretty tense ride, with a few moments that'll make you really jump. Definitely worth a look.

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